Sliver (Github) is an open source cross-platform adversary emulation/red team framework, it can be used by organizations of all sizes to perform security testing. Sliver's implants support C2 over Mutual TLS (mTLS), WireGuard, HTTP(S), and DNS and are dynamically compiled with per-binary asymmetric encryption keys.

What does the Sliver plugin do?

Using the Sliver plugin allows you to directly attach Sliver implants over the mTLS protocol. You are able to generate new implants in Sliver, then leverage the mTLS certificates to connect the agents to Operator. The plugin defaults to listening on port 8080, but you can configure it to be any port.

Configuring the plugin

First, go Settings and click on Sliver plugin to install it.
Next, you need generate a Sliver implant (this is done by running the following command from Sliver server instance)

sliver > generate --mtls --save /tmp --os darwin --debug

After running the command you must copy the mTLS certificates created from Sliver server. Grab the 3 required certificates from the system you ran the previous command, these certificates can be found in:

  • ~/.sliver/certs/mtls-server-ca-cert.pem
  • ~/.sliver/certs/mtls-server-ca-key.pem
  • ~/.sliver/certs/mtls-implant-ca-cert.pem

Copy those certificates to the following folder (depending on platform):

  • macOS: ~/Library/Application\ Support/Operator/
  • linux: ~/.config/Operator/
  • Windows: %APPDATA%\Operator\\plugins\Sliver\certs

Restart Operator to reload the certificates (or change the listening port, which reloads the listener as well).

Now you can connect the Sliver implants to the server, by running the following command on the target box: